KILL TRACY MILLOSOVICH – Stalkers and Exes Demand Author Tracy Millosovich Write Books To Kill her Exes and Ex Friends. NO! Tracy Writes Books To Prove That Sexual Harassment, Rape, Racism, Stalking, Harassment, and Bullying does NOT STOP TRACY MILLOSOVICH SUCCESS

Yes! I’ve been getting a crap ton of messages from my ex friends, koriander bullard and Kendra Parda in Massachusetts and LA Bella Muewrte / reputation / reapuur / xreapuur / Virginia / bulletformylover / bulletforthylove and Natasha Angelica Rakestra (marries name) / Natasha Angelica Zakarian (unmarried name) / Angelica Rakestraw / Angelica Zakarian. How’s that FAKE kid you all made up you had in 2019? Did that ugly, abandoned kid’s dad ditch yet, after he found out the paternity test proved YOU CHEATED ON HIM, or are you still LYING your 2023 husband RAPE YOU like you LIED all your “exes” THAT YOU CHEATED ON the last 19 YEARS dump your FATness, virginia?! We all know you’re not actually married, virginia! La Bella Muerte, you also LIED you got raped by some guy named Chris in Vegas. Then you LIED again that your 9 EX BOYFRIENDS “raped you” in Facebook comments in June and July 2019. I told vanessa, Virginia’s biological mom throught Facebook messages, that bulletforthylover was going around the internet LYING that her current BOYFRIEND raped her, and that two of Virginia’s ex BOYFRIENDS were planninh on SUING HER TO TAKE THAT UGLT KID Virginia LIED she was pregnant with. Yeah, koriander’s friend FAKED several pregnancies from February 2018 to October 2023,  but there were never gender reveals or birth dates posted for these many, many, many pregnanies koriander, kendra, and virginia FAKED. Now Koriander is harassing me for MY ACTUALLY BEING RAPED, proving koriander and her girlfriends are not actually a rape survivors, BECAUSE YOU POSTED REDDIT AND TIKTOK VIDEOS ADMITTING THEY WERE NEVER RAPED. Especially the RACIST stalker, koriander, IN Indiana claiming success that she wanted me to have sex with her, kiss her, rape her, bully her, and that “because koriander hates me” she can claim that everything she does is right and noble, and everything I’ve ever done in my life right and wrong, I did wrong so I need to go kill myself. Don’t worry! I’m never going to kill myself  just because John bullard’s little slutty skank of a slave he assaulted says I should. Koriander’s death threats have been nonstop since January 5, 2018 when I fired this Idiana racist, child abuser. And it’s all because of this stupid Super Sailor Chibi doll….this doll that BELONGS TO ME. I know my ex friend still has her mental disorders: severe schizophrenia and her extreme bipolar, seen on her daily online posts. Koriander’s emotional immaturity coupled with her extreme mood swings and utter overreactions to literally everything proves that I’m the actual innoce, decent person and koriander AND John are the psychos who have never been decent or innocent. Koriander started to bully me and then harass my family because I wouldn’t give koriander a stupid, ugly, cheap TOY let alone my Chibi Moon doll. She’d have to CHEAT ON JOHN with someone to get it! THAT posting about me is what being psychotic is, not “Tracy posted online again so Tracy is a psycho” made up LIES. Obviously, twisting up the actual definition of the word “psycho” and “psychopath” to justify suicide baiting me, constantly and continuously bullying me, and harassing my family and my kid isn’t the definition of the word psychotic/psycho. Only a psycho would harass, bully, stalk, and constantly post about me, myself, and I just because I own a doll koriander doesn’t. What makes koriander’s bullying and harassment of me even worse, and completely sociopathic, is that my ex friend’s friend (Nat / Natasha) falsified a friendship with me just to steal my doll collection, my Chibi Moon doll included. So why not demand that child abusive whore give the doll she’s obviously kept for herself, up? Oh, because blaming me, two and a half years after the initial rape attack on me, and 7 months after the theft of the doll, “is justified” just because I went online AND BOUGHT ANOTHER ONE. Because koriander’s jealous of me. She even wears stuff I wear, fucks my kentucky ex boyfriend that I used to be in a relationship with on MySpace in 2013 through November 2014, and is now in a sexual relationship with my ex boyfriend  Brian, according to HIS posts online. Koriander’s stupidity is really where this hate of me started from. Koriander found out I never faked my rape, IT WAS REAL, and kori couldn’t FAKE A RAPE STORY to scam people for money. I found out that all of koriander’s ugly Facebook friends list, including Alexis, Kim Ordel, Jessica Javior, Shannon Morse Speake, Samantha Weastley, Kendra Parda, and Virginia NEVER HAD KIDS biological or adopted in the last 20 years. Koriander admitted in 2023 that she never had kids either, thankfully, because whatever ugly rat koriander gives birth to would either be extremely exploited by kori, physically assaulted by koriander,  or raped by koriander’s online guy friends. FB_IMG_1594079815889

The hatred of me IS what she’s talking about: all because I wouldn’t give her MY doll in MY photo for free.

Koriander LIED that “she’s been wanting this doll since she was 10 years old” pity FAKE story and that’s not only pathetic justification for suicide baiting me, but also a laughable excuse to want anything.

I can just imagine that teeny, tiny loser kid-aged ex friend loser sitting on her Windows 95 box screen computer after being kicked out of the Chicago public school in kindergarten by the school’s faculty and the entire Chicago city’s school board for koriander bullying the school’s students with racism and petty hate, and kori being forced to be homeschooled because no other public school would take her in, or accept, a 10 year old white girl pretending to be African American and biracial to bully Chicago public school kids with racial slurs, hateful comments, and threats of physical violence, like koriander does to me now. Koriander is still behaving like that racist, child abusive, rapey way she did in that public school she was kicked out of by just looking online at all the shitty things kori puts online.

My Sailor Moon toys that other, good behaved kids like me get to own, made koriander so jealous!! I can just imagine koriander sitting at her old computer begging her parents for a doll, and THEY SAY NO TO HER, because she was kicked out of public school for bullying the school kidsHAHAHAHA!! 

Now I’m going to explain how and why this is hilarious and why I’m eenjoyingkori’s LYING that she’s “innocent” with her FAKE, MADE UP LIES that she’s the “victim” again, even though koriander hasn’t been victimized by me or anyone else for the last 30 years.

⬇️⬇️⬇️Proofread that, you college dropout.🤣⬇️⬇️⬇️

I remember reading all those old blog posts koriander put online, still available online now, before koriander admitted to plagiarism and copyright infringement artwork theft on Encyclopedia Dramatica websites [….as in koriander HAS MORE THAN ONE WEBSITE BECAUSE SHE’S BEEN THAT BUSY BULLYING PEOPLE ONLINE AND STEALING OTHER PEOPLE’S ART…] got posted. koriander blogged about how her parents would “give her everything she wanted so she was extremely spoiled rotton,” but now she posts on Facebook that her mom is a piece of shit because her mom (Manuela Peace) refused to parent her or mother her. Koriander’s blog posts went on and on ranting about her dad working several hundred hour weeks just to pay for a 2-bedroom house in Chicago he couldn’t afford, how her mom never hold down a job until after the lengthy, senselessly dramatic, messy divorce, and how my ex friend was kicked out of the public school after she was caught bullying a ton of kids in her class. It took a few weeks, but I actually looked up the class information koriander was in. It actually had 30 African American children in that scool, and Koriander bullied them, too. Dear God! The truth comes out. My ex friend was not, and had never been, the only African American looking person in that entire Chicago public school, like she LIES all over the internet! Koriander was also not the only biracial kid, and I found out that kori’s biological mom and dad are Caucasian so there’s no way koriander is genetically African American or biracial. And here, I thought she cared about “#BLM,” but obviously, only to prove that no matter how many people get killed, no matter how many people get hurt, and no matter what actually happens in the world, my ex friend’s still a racist fuck. Even to this day.

No wonder koriander’s biological dad just up and left her, and he worked so hard to get a divorce from that actually psycho ex wife he had, Manuela Peace. I’d leave too if I were Mr. Ake, stuck in a marriage with a homeless, jobless cunt who can’t cook, never cleans, and refused to behave like a wife raising the kids she forced me to have!! There’s only so much made up drama, self inflicted problems, and false accusations of infidelity and false claims of domestic violence anyone in fact, can take. There was no domestic violence disputes in koriander’s childhood. It was all delusional fairytales koriander made up in her head to make up for the fact that her own dad didn’t want her. I’m also confessing that the constant arguments and loudness in the household of my ex friend’s childhood wasn’t because of any domestic violence arguments her father caused! The arguments koriander constantly uses to portray herself as a “victim” was truly because her own manipulative, pathological lying, psychotic mother claimed these false statements to pin her ex husband as a “violent person,” because she got rejected/ divorced. My ex boyfriend, brian, trashes his ex wife in this same manner, too, after his divorce. And brian continues to blame the decent, innocent mother to the kids he refuses  to pay child support to his cheating infidelity during their marriage all on her. Typical actions of a cheating spouse. My ex husband did to me what Brian did to his ex wife, blame me for everything just because he got dumped. Manuela does the same thing too!

So out of petty retaliation for the divorce, my ex friend’s mom taught her own kids, her own blood, to hate her ex husband and painted him as a “monster” just because she got dumped. It’s ironic that now koriander is painting me as a monster with whatever lies she concocts in retaliation for me rejecting her lazy ass and for not giving her my Chibi Moon doll that I own. Like psycho mother Manuela like psycho daughter koriander, that apple doesn’t fall far from that tree. It’s only a matter of time until the self inflicted drama and authority calls rip koriander’s foundationless marriage apart, too, like it did to koriander’s mom’s marriage. Scientists have said that children always follow in their own parents’ footsteps. I wouldn’t be surprised that in 10 years, or less, koriander will still be posting about how much she hates me online as her marriage falls apart. Fifty years from now, kori will still be claiming I “owe her a doll” her own friend Natasha stole from me….which I just replaced by buying another one. It’s rumored that koriander’s controlling, self inflicting drama is already causing a gigantic rift in her marriage. Geez, truly like her own mom causong issues in that married, and getting dumped and divorced! Boom!

⬆️⬆️⬆️Proofread that, you college dropout koriander.🤣⬆️⬆️⬆️

It’s karma that, as a kid, koriander gets kicked out of the school she went to for bullying the students there, and as an adult kori drops out of junior college to go fuck a guy who isn’t married to her! Instead of focusing on her public chicago school work, koriander online bullied KIDS AND TEENAGERS with her blog posts, her ugly MySpace accounts, her ugly Gia Online aliases, and her TRACY-COPIED Sailor Moon Forum “code name sailor earth” FAKE account aliases in the 1990s to 2020. Koriander continued to harass and stalk people now, just because we have better Sailor Moon stuff than she does and just because we have kids and she couldn’t rape a guy or baby trap anyone into a relationship with her. Oh wait! Koriander did rape John! But now she’s trying to get pregnant so she is trying to trap John into a relationship  with  her, even though  he Facebook messaged several people that he wants out of that horrific married. HAHAHA!!

koriander LIED that she “dropped out” or junior college, but she wastes more than $200 a month on buying Sailor Moon garbage after SCAMMING money out of people online using her dead dog pity stories, a dead baby she was never pregnant with (koriander has FAKED hundreds of pregnancies over the last 10 years!!), a dead kid sister she never had, and a “dead” dad fake delusional stories. Koriander’s he dad is quite ALIVE and koriander’s mom publicly admitted on Facebook that she never had a second daughter or a 3rd pregnancy. Since koriander can’t afford Sailor Moon crap, she can’t afford college. She is just lazy, as physically proven by her joblessness and quitting every job she’s ever had (or getting fired for so many missed days of work). Now koriander’s blaming her “college dropout” on me even though koriander has never applied to go to any colleges in the last 20 years. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THAT PSYCHO BITCH?!

I’d beat her silly if I were her mom, Manuela! No kid of mine would abuse the authorities to harass some random person online she or he didn’t like. As officer J told me to tell everyone who keeps falsifying allegations of whatever issues against me, THE POLICE HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO THAN SHOW UP AT MY HOUSE FOR FAKE CLAIMS EVERY TIME I POST ANYTHING ONLINE. The authorities even commented that they’re not coming to my house or being used to intimidate me anymore.

The karma justice is beyond my opinionated belief. Of all the selfies, photos and videos kori posts online everywhere about her life, from her poop colored hair color to her doll theft to her underwear and bra color to even her poop and pee color (EW! yes, she’s blogged about her bra and underwear color and her poop and pee color, too🤢🤮🤢) that she’s never once posted any “graduated from junior college” selfies or the actual document that states she succeeded in college. I mean, koriander got kicked out of public school as a kindergartener, her words on her Facebook posts, not mine, and kori admitted that she dropped out of college, again, to my Facebook messages in 2017. Again, koriander’s words, not mine. It’s ironic that if koriander isn’t getting anything for free, or for under $20 (yes, that’s a reference to something my ex friend posted on her ugly social media accounts saying she will only pay for it if it’s under $20), she’s not paying for anything at all. Not college, not schooling, and not kids….because I hear that having kids actually costs money…more than $20🤣… Apparently koriander thinks college and having kids is free. It’s not.

And koriander cheap ass actually wants to be a parent? To what? Teach that kid to a racist, easily offended fuck, and to dropout of school and waste money on drugs, alcohol, and have barbies with teenagers? Sure! Go ahead. Sleep around to get money to buy those cheat bootleg figures and fake toys, kori. You already are!

But having a kid in the public school system actually costs more money than $20 a month, koriander. I’ve never been homeschooled since I actually stayed in school (yes, I’m referring to koriander dropping out of (homeschooling) high school and never actually attending junior college, and to my ex husband failing out of school), but I’m sure that homeschooling is actually more expensive than public schooling back in the 1990s and 2000s, when koriander was in homeschooling. Don’t even get me started on the monthly payment amounts for private schooling. My second ex boyfriend (we dated from June 2008 to November  2008 when I found out he was moving to Chicago to fuck koriander, which he did! – TOLDCHA KORI WASN’T A VIRGIN!!) I blame my ex boyfriend, Derek, for telling me how much it costs for private schooling since he was in private schooling from his kindergarten grade to when I met him in 2007. Yikes!

Homeschooling may be “more expensive” than public schooling, according to koriander’s LIES, but I doubt it since most public schools accept low income/no income household students, while 99% of homeschooling is PAID FOR by the government assistant programs.

The real reason koriWhore continues to behave like a retaliatory 6 year old begging for Sailor Moon toys and begging for money online using FAKE pity fairytales is because she got kicked out of the Chicago public kindergarten class after trying to steal another kindergarten kid’s barbie doll (koriander LIED that the kids in her class and her teacher “stole” her barbie doll but koriander was the actual thief who tried to steal the other kids’ dolls and toys), koriander lied that she “started homeschooling” in “third grade” even though she was already in homeschooling from the time she was kicked out of kindergarten, koriWHORE lied she “graduated high school” even though she never posted readable photos of her high school graduate certificates in the last 30 years, even after I spent the last 19 years demanding to see them, and Koriander lied she “went to junior college” in Chicago and Kentucky and Indiana, but the junior college kori posted on her 2022 Facebook post is in a city IN VIRGINIA. I googled every United States school name koriander used (thankfully it was a full named school) and the school koriander LIED she went to is not a junior college!  The school name koriander LIED she went to is actually a kindergarten to grade 12 private school located in Virginia. Koriander has never been to that state or that city! Koriander only lived in 3 states in her entire life: (Michigan City and Hammond) Indiana, (London) Kentucky, and (Chicago) Illinois. From 2005 to 2013, kori even lied in her blog posts that she “moved to live in Japan” for an “unknown amount of time,” even though she was posting public photos with her brother in Chicago and posting public videos PROVING that she was still in her dad’s house in Chicago in the 15 years she LIED she “moved to japan“. Koriander’s mom posted several photos of koriander standing in the same photos as her brother, who still lives with her mom in Chicago at the time koriander said in her blogs that she moved to live in Japan.  Obviously, in the last 40 years,  koriander and her biological family (and John bullard) have never stepped foot outside the United States. Explain how koriander “lived in Japan” from 2005 to 2015 when her public blogs, videos, and posts proved she’s been living only in the U.S. But whenever anybody asks or demands that kori posts photos of herself IN Japan in any way, she constantly refuses to, or she bullies the person demanding proof. Then posts those ugly victim shit LIES. In January 1, 2023 to January 7, 2023 koriander LIED that she “moved to Japan,” she LIED she “lived in Japan,” but the fake email she made ( ) was obvious tagged to an IP address located in Michigan City, Indiana. Koriander LIED on Facebook that this “wasn’t her email address” like she LIED she worked at a school store, at amazon, and in the government (WTF! Due to koriander AND JOHN being online thieves and online scammers for 9 years, koriander AND JOHN could never get a job in any government capacity!). A quick reverse search on Google, and within 5 minutes, most of that time was spent waiting for the reverse search engine to load, 5 different reverse search websites exposed FACTS that that koriander-made email alias was made by the same Michigan City, Indiana IP address koriander AND John live at. It also helps to expose facts that koriander gave her physical address to a Facebook messager person (to ship her a Sailor Moon bootleg thing she bought but lied it was gifted to her on YouTube) and the person koriander got that sailor moon “gift” she bought forwarded her physical address to me and several other sellers calling koriander bullard a scammer and a liar. That was also the same person koriander online bullied in 2015, and years later, the person koriander got that sailor moon bootleg trash from gave out her physical address out and it lead to the same IP address that made the email account! The same IP address that made the koriander email address is the same IP address that made the email address. The racist, rape threats, and death threats emails kori emailed to me in January 2023 (koriander lied she didn’t send me) were the same exact things koriander said in her YouTube videos posted on June 1, 2023. Nice try trying to LIE that the Alice Lindell Facebook account “isn’t koriander’s” either, because the SAME EXACT THINGS koriander’s fake alias Facebook account messaged my ex man are the EXACT SAME THINGS koriander already posted on HER KORIANDER FACEBOOK POSTS from January 5, 2018 to November 2023, AND she repeated all of those racist, rapist, child killing sentences in her June 1, 2023 video WORD-FOR-WORD.

It’s not a far step to conclude that where koriander learned her lowlife, scamming people with fake dead sister and fake dead animal fictious fairytales from: her mom!

Anyway, I’m not a junior college dropout like koriander is, I didn’t get kicked out of school for bullying my classmates like koriander did, and I didn’t fail out of school like my ex man did or like the 2006 rapist ex, koriander is still cheating on John with, did. Speaking of failing out of school, my ex boyfriend in 2006 was two credits short of his June 8, 2007 graduation ceremony and 2 credits short of getting his high school diploma. The high school we went to actually offered him two free classes, and all he had to do was go to those two classes for two weeks in June, pass with a D- or better, and boom-get a diploma like his 2007 graduation class did (without the graduation gown and ceremony). I honestly think the ceremony is why he didn’t botber to finish his classes and get his diploma. My ex boyfriend tbat raped me is an extreme narcissist, just like his sister still is. He who enjoys the pain and suffering he inflicts on others, but if he’s not getting attention from his actions, he’s not going to do anything. Hey! Just like my ex friend, koriander! Koriander will only do anything, has always done anything in life when it’s in front of an audience. But if nobody’s watching then kori is just “sitting on her computer doing nothing, and being lazy”. – My ex boyfriend, Justin’s words, not mine.

Geez, what a filthy, pathetic way to live, koriander!!! SHAME ON YOU. I’ve seen photos of koriander’s “big house” and all the photos on google of her revious addresses. Koriander always has a pile of empty boxes thrown everywhere, totes upon totes of useless trash piled up everywhere in every room in her house, and trash is always laying around everywhere whenever I live video’d with her. The filthy clutter is enough to give anybody an anxiety attack or puke! I’ve never lived like that. Yes, you’re hearing it from the horse’s mouth. I’ve never lived in a pile of boxes, totes, and filth laying everywhere living condition like koriander does. I’m a clutz so living in a cluttered house like that is just a trip hazard waiting to happen. Koriander’s trash-filled house is completely disgusting, a total ick, and cringe! There’s a real reason that whenever anybody demands koriander show off her house, she refuses! The real reason is because Koriander can’t prove her house is big, or clean enough to live in. She lives in a pile of trash.

I mean, koriander and I have never had a selfie together in real life, and I thank God we’ve never met in my life every single day. But you can’t prove your home is livable. Hahaha!!

I’ll even PROVE koriander lives in filthy clutter and trash laying everywhere house! I demand koriander post a live, unedited video publicly by the end of the day on November 27, 2023 to prove that she lives in filth! So koriander, you have over 24 hours to proof your house isn’t a pigpen, post a live video on YouTube of your entire house, bedroom, bathroom, and the yard included. Why? Because there’s no way a lazy pig like koriander would dare clean up her own house just to post a video. I lived with koriander’s friend, Natasha, and Natasha’s house was a constant disaster! I even live video’d a full walk-through of Natasha’s house in Colorado Springs in June 2019, and Nat’s house was horrifically messy! I automatically concluded that since Natasha can’t  keep her Colorado Springs house clean, her Washington  state house is even messier and dirtier!

I mean livable, as in: no crap piled up everywhere, no empty boxes laying around everywhere, and no garbage crap just piled up everywhere. My Facebook account has a live video of my house on July 8th. Go look! No trash everywhere, no boxes laying everywhere, nothing out of place. But every time I’ve live videoed with my lazy ass ex friend, her house was a messy pigsty! In the years I’ve videochatted with my ex friend, no matter where she lived, her house was always messy, shitwas always laying everywhere, nothing was ever cleaned up, and one of her recent photos, taken just a day ago, showed the house looking like it hadn’t been cleaned or picked up since the last resident(s) livedthere. Yuck! They’ve been at that house for months and it still looks like they just moved in yesterday. Ew! WTF!

koriander uses a greenscreen backdrop in her videos TO HIDE HER HORRIBLE HOUSE MESS and the drugs she leaves all over her house! I bet koriander’s man does all the cooking, all the house chores, and even takes care of the dog…..that’s apparently now dead, deserved. All koriander ever does all day is sit on your ass. Kori hasn’t held a job in over 6 years, after koriander and John were FIRED from their Walmart jobs in Kentucky. No, John never worked in the government. John worked at Walmart, he got FIRED, started working in a warehouse and remotely as a call center representative, and got FIRED from both of those jobs at the same time. In the same month John got FIRED from his warehouse and remote call center representative jobs in Kentucky, he was FIRED by that wrestling promotional team he started stalking and harassing online after several indie wrestlers at their company demanded he pay them, and he STOLE their pay. John is doing the same SCAM PAY THEFT to indie wrestlers in Michigan City, Indiana too. Whenever John Bullard gets FIRED from a job, he posts public slanderous things online LYING that the place that FIRED him is a “scam“. I hope these people sue the shit out of John because of what he’s posting about them!! What John and koriander are doing, FALSELY ACCUSING PEOPLE OF “scamming” isa form of HARASSMENT AND SLANDER, both ILLEGAL in the U.S. If John actually worked for the government at all in the last 40 years, he wouldn’t be BREAKING THE LAW! Clearly, John bullard never worked for the government in any capacity, but nice LIE, koriWHORE. Just because YOU CHEAT ON JOHN with my ex husband doesn’t mean I’m cheating. It’s always the CHEATING KORIANDER WHORE who FALSELY accuses people of cheating. My ex boyfriend, Brian, publicly posted a public Facebook post in 2020 telling ANYONE WHO WILL LISTEN that he was fucking koriander, and Koriander LIED that BRAIAN’S PUBLIC POST was “fake“. Brian’s public admitting he “dumped me to go fuck a girl named koriander” is still public on Facebook, and that’s a literal copy-paste sentence from HIS post. 

Now you know the many, many reasons why I stopped enabling my lazy ex friend, koriander. I mean, geez! She could’ve at least picked up the dog poop in her yard, clean the toilet, and clean up her bedroom once a week. Yuck! Koriander could’ve at least STOP CHEATING ON JOHN since she’s LYING that I “cheated on my exes” but too bad my ex boyfriends told everyone that they were fucking koriander, and I only re-posted what THEY ALREADY posted online. The irony of my EX husband CHEATING ON ME WITH his friend’s WIFE (KAYLA NICOLE) AND CHEATING ON ME WITH KORIANDER is that Kayla’s husband threatened her with a divorce if she didn’t ditch MY man, and in retaliation to me POSTING PROOF THAT KORIANDER IS STILL CHEATING ON JOHN WITH MY EXES, she started LYING that I was “cheating”. It’s fucking hilarious to see a dog-killer koriander falsely accusing me of “hurting my cat” THAT I HAVEN’T LIVED WITH OR SEEN FOR 20 MONTHS. Hoe do I “hurt a cat” I DON’T LIVE WITH, you dog killing racist? HAHA! But what’s even funnier that koriander killing her dog THEN LYING THAT I “hurt MY catTHAT MY EX KILLED OUT OF REVENGE FOR ME DUMPING HIM AND LEAVING WITH THE AUTHORITIES ESCORTING ME TO SAFETY, is that koriander FALSELY ACCUSED me of “cheating on my exes” WHILE THEY PUBLICLY POST ONLINE THAT THEY WERE CHEATING ON ME, and my EX husband even admitted on PUBLIC Twitter that he was cheating on me and dumping me TO BE WITH KORIANDER. That’s the REAL reason he was so miserable in July 2022 through February 2023! Koriander kept telling MY EX husband that she was gonna “move to Mississippi” to marry him ONLY FOR MY EX TO FIND OUT THAT KORIANDER AND HER ALICE LINDELL FACEBOOK ACCOUNT ALIAS IS STILL MARRIED to JOHN. Koriander’s a decent, innocent person, huh John? You might want to STOP LYING about the dog killing WHORE you’re obviously not fucking WHO IS STILL CHEATING ON YOU with a FAKE Facebook account THAT I OWN. Oh yeah! I almost forgot to post this part!

I made a fake Facebook account named Andrea and started Facebook messaging John bullard. In our conversations, John exposes that as soon as he finds a college graduate woman who came from a rich family (my account named Andrea) he’s divorcing koriander and kicking her out of HIS house. He is planning on keeping the car and moving this Andrea girlfriend into the house. Imagine my surprise when koriander Facebook messaged a guy named Kyle and told him that koriander was planning on divorcing John, AND TAKING HIS ENTIRE BANK ACCOUNT AND HIS HOUSE AND THE CAR. That’s EXACTLY what koriander’s mom did to her dad!! Koriander plans to be with this Kyle guy sexually too because she’s tired of looming at John’s “small dick“. Koriander’s words in her Facebook messages, not mine. Kori told this Kyle account that she actually resents marrying John, she hates him for being blind, she hates living in Indiana, she hated living in Kentucky, and Koriander admitted that she hates all of her in-laws because they’re “racist” towards her. The actual reason these people hate koriander is because she’s a homeless, jobless,  penniless lowlife, according to John’s siblings Facebook messages to me directly. The Bullard family don’t hate koriander for her whiteness or for koriander PRETENDING to be African American and biracial. The fake Kyle account that koriander has been cheating on John with belongs to me too! HAHAHA!!!