Stalker Author Koriander Publishing Plagiarism Bullard OWNS THE NoOneCaresChong Twitter Account! Harassment Assault Racist Harassing Stalking

Author Koriander Publishing Bullard owns the NoOneCaresChong Twitter Account!

Two things that PROVE IT:

Koriander Bullard publicly admitted on Facebook that she owns the SaveSailorMoonDrops SCAM Facebook page. The SaveSailorMoonDrops SCAM Facebook page publically posted the RAPING-Beware_of_Tracy_Millosovich Instagram account owner to a SAILOR MOON SCAM Facebook account. What the fuck does a Instagram account that is owned by a LESBIAN who has a literal CRUSH ON ME, TRACY MILLOSOVICH, have in common with a SaveSailorMoonDrops SCAM Facebook page?! Nothing! The ONLY REASON why a SaveSailorMoonDrops SCAM Facebook page would also post the LETS-RAPE-TRACY-MILLOSOVICH Instagram account would be because KORIANDER OWNS THE beware_of_tracy_millosovich Instagram account. Since the beware_of_tracy_millosovich twitter account posts EXACTLY THE SAME THINGS the beware_of_tracy_millosovich Instagram account does, it PROVES that BOTH ACCOUNTS that are named EXACTLY THE SAME are owned by Koriander Bullard.

I just found out that the RAPIST owner of the 2019 to 2020 Sailor Moon Will Never Meet Wedding Peach Facebook page that was TERMINATED in December 2020 for HARASSMENT, BULLYING, AND STALKING me directly in posts and photos was RECREATED in January 2023. AND THE FACEBOOK PAGE ADMITTED that Koriander owns BOTH the 2019-2020 Facebook page AND the recreated Sailor Moon Will Never Meet Wedding Peach Facebook page! Of course, AFTER KORIANDER ALREADY PUBLICLY POSTED that she owns the Sailor Moon Will Never Meet Wedding Peach RAPIST Facebook page, she directly HARASSED ME IN AN EMAIL LYING that she “doesn’t own the Sailor Moon Will Never Meet Wedding Peach RAPIST Facebook page” AFTER SHE PUBLICLY ADMITTED TO OWNING IF RIGHT ON THE FACEBOOK PAGE. Don’t worry! I got UNFILTERED, UNEDITED SCREENSHOTS OF EVERYTHING so denying and lying that it’s not owned by my racist, narcissistic, sociopathic EX sex partner isn’t going to work. On top of that, Koriander emailed me SEVERAL harassing emails privately in January 2023 THAT SHE REPOSTED TO THE FACEBOOK PAGE VERBATIM which also PROVES she owns the Sailor Moon Will Never Meet Wedding Peach RAPISTFacebook page.

What CONCRETES this information is that her PEDOPHILE FRIENDS admitted publicly to the RAPE-TRACY-MILLOSOVICH Facebook page that she “doesn’t own her own Facebook page” TO HELP HER LIE. It’s the SAME rapists that commented “go kill yourself, Tracy” and “go die, Chong” comments to her 2019 to 2020 Sailor Moon Will Never Meet Wedding Peach RAPIST Facebook page that was TERMINATED. Same exact Facebook account name. Same owner. Comments by the SAME PEOPLE.

If you’re gonna deny owning a Facebook page that you obviously own, at least DON’T post statements that you already emailed directly and don’t put your damn email and your damn name on your Facebook page and posts. You gave yourself away already, EX SEX PARTNER! LYING you “don’t own” the Sailor Moon Will Never Meet Wedding Peach RAPIST Facebook pages was never going to work but NICE TRY LYING. Maybe you should stick with posting comments to La Bella’s NAKED kid’s photos (I sent the post with the photo AND ALL THE PEDOPHILES WHO COMMENTED ON THAT CHILD PORNOGRAPHY POST to La Bella’s Mom Vanessa Parnow) instead of posting stuff online and PRETENDING to be a sailor moon fan, YOU WANNABE FAKE.

HARASSING Tracy Millosovich, Koriander publishing Bullard “extra” in a HARASSMENT Video with TACKY “glitter” hair and a PINK BOOTLEG Sailor Moon merchandise

Somebody needs to tell Koriander that her glitter hair isn’t “extra”! It’s an obvious cry for cheap attention. It’s easier for her to just take off her clothes again to get attention or post more trashy shit threatening people’s kids. Again. Koriander’s hair usually looks extremely matted and looks like it hasn’t been combed or brushed in several years. In the video, though, her hair now looks like a deflated balloon, it looks like it completely thinned out, and the light on her hair shines off her which means her skin and hair are greasy as hell. Wash your face once in a while and wash your hair with soap! Geez!! I preferred her previous ugly “fresh out of bed” matted poof hair look over this greasy gunk hair.

That’s the UGLIEST wall art I’ve ever seen. It looks like a low resolution print off some random Sailor Moon background. Creepy as fuck stealing anime art backgrounds to use as a background for a HARASSMENT video that also threatened my kid! The wall looks like it came from the sellers who sold that cheap, low resolution printed fabric that had STOLEN Marco Alberio Kousagi art on it.

I have spent JUNE 2006 through January 2018 in a relationship with Koriander. In THOUSANDS of times in live videos, emails, texts, and messages to Koriander, I demanded she get counseling and therapy. If not for herself, then at least get actual mental help after she constantly brings up her dad being a piece of shit even though he never hurt her, that she was beaten up at a school she NEVER went to and got a concussion that never occurred, and that she went to a junior college that doesn’t exist in Chicago, Kentucky, or Indiana. On the subject of schooling, I asked in 2009 through 2010 to get a photograph unedited of her high school diploma since she’s “so proud of her junior college” story, if nothing else, at least a piece of paper that says she graduated high school in Chicago. Koriander atarted claiming her MOM had her graduation certificate and when she moved to Kentucky, I asked to see it again. Surly her own mom gave it to her before she got kicked out of her mom’s house, right! Koriander refused to not only show me something she claimed she owned, she straight up refused to show anybody else online publicly too. In 2011, Koriander posted a blog and a bunch Facebook posts privately and publicly claiming Koriander was going to junior college. I congratulated her AND demanded TO SEE HER JUNIOR COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE LETTER OR AN ACCEPTANCE EMAIL FROM THE COLLEGE that she was ACTUALLY attending. Koriander NEVER posted proof on her friends only posts or any public posts or blogs anywhere. She NEVER posted proof she was going to junior college or graduated from any form of schooling on any blogs or social media posts either. She just publicly posted that she “goes to junior college” but she’s publicly LIED that fiasco delusion from 2010 to 2023. Again, there’s NO colleges in Indiana or Kentucky or Illinois that have any type of schooling program that runs over 15-years long. KORIANDER LIED ABOUT GOING TO JUNIOR COLLEGE. I tried several different times from JUNE 2006 to January 2023 to be sent physical proof of something, anything that PROVES she was able to back up her delusional junior college LIES with any real life proof. Nope! Nothing! In December 2017, I Facebook messaged Koriander and SHE sent me a message that EXPOSED she NEVER graduated junior college. In fact, the only “junior college” Koriander would’ve evidently attended was a school FOR UNDERAGE KIDS WITH BEHAVIORAL NEEDS in Chicago, Illinois when she was a kid, BEFORE she went through “homeschooling”. Chronologically, Koriander was in BEHAVIORAL NEEDS SCHOOLING, THEN homeschooled, THEN she would’ve gone to junior college IF SHE HADN’T facebook messenged me directly that she NEVER WENT TO JUNIOR COLLEGE. Koriander admitted to me in December 2017 that she NEVER GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL even though she continued to LIE online that she “graduated homeschooling”. KORIANDER ADMITTED THAT SHE NEVER GRADUATED HOMESCHOOLING! I didn’t know behavioral help for kids was even a thing before I googled Junior College in Illinois and Kentucky. There is NO junior colleges in Indiana that have a 15-year program which are for Koriander’s or her fuck boy’s mentally challenged stupidity needs, but I can gladly say I actually looked instead of being like her: PATHOLOGICALLY LYING EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE. Anyway, I found out that Koriander not only LIED about getting her high school diploma through homeschooling, she NEVER got her G.E.D. and she never got any kind of education certificate that would allow her access to any type of junior college education.

My college entrance exams in November 2022 and my schooling guidance counselor explained that it’s a legal and educational requirement for any a person over the age of 18 years old to get a high school diploma, a G.E.D. or an equivalent of a high school diploma or G.E.D. to even apply to any junior colleges in Illinois, Kentucky, or Indiana. As a previous Wisconsin state resident, a previous Colorado state resident, a previous Minnesota state resident, and a current Indiana resident myself, I personally know it’s a requirement to have a G.E.D. or high school diploma to even apply to any Indiana higher schooling. Part of the application process for attending any university or college in the state of Indiana is to email the school physical proof of high school graduation, something Koriander already admitted to me that she doesn’t have. Well, the actual reason for her heinous behavior on her insane hour and a half video psychotically ranting and raving about me and my kid is because one of the stupid writers on my Facebook friends list sent koriander my college acceptance email from the college I’m attending. On top of Koriander’s stupid collaboration videos with pedophile La Bella Muerte and prostitute Sailorootamukun / Kendra Parda and Sailor Moon bootleg thief Natasha Rakestraw Zakarian, Koriander admitted in her own videos several times that she fucked her friends to get free Sailor Moon stuff. She then publicly admitted KORIANDER IS JEALOUS OF ME NOW just because I bought and own the only Kousagi statue in existence from the only person on Facebook who sold it. I moved in with my EX husband on April 28, 2021 and on April 29, 2021 I found out that he NEVER GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL. Like Koriander pathologically lies all the time about everything, my ex husband Shawn Edward Howard in Mississippi lied to me too. koriander and Shawn graduated high school and never went to college. I even put money aside in June and July 2021 to fully pay for Shawn to get his G.E.D. AND I got his G.E.D. school schedule and his schoolwork set up for him BUT HE STILL REFUSED TO GO TO CLASS TO GET HIS G.E.D. AT SEVERAL TIMES when I was Facebook messenging Koriander from May 2010 to December 2017, I sent Koriander the exact schools and class to take in Chicago, kentucky, and Indiana for her to get her G.E.D. but NOPE! Koriander prefers to disrespect herself and have NO morals and NO values. Instead, she chose to fuck a guy to live in HIS house because her mom kicked her out, fuck a guy to drive HIS car Bbecaise she’s jobless and can’t hold onto a job longer than a month, and fucking a guy to use HIS money to buy Sailor Moon bootleg blankets and bootleg garbage since she’s not allowed to spend HIS MONEY on what she actually wants. If Koriander was allowed to do whatever she wanted with whatever money she had, her Sailor Moon pictures and videos wouldn’t be ALL bootleg trash and she would’ve gotten the Kousagi statue that she and her front admitted in a video she was drooling all over in MY SELFIES instead of bullying me for owning it. Koriander admitted in SEVERAL of her own Facebook posts on her own Facebook accounts from 2014 to 2020 that she fucked a guy to be GIFTED Sailor Moon garbage ONLY BECAUSE SHE FUCKED HIM. THEN she projected her own prostitution behavior on me while LYING that I “got Sailor Moon stuff for free” when I’ve already posted every transaction of every Sailor Moon thing I ever owned from 2009 to 2023 in screenshot albums on my Facebook account.

In December 2017, I facebook messaged Koriander and asked her how she was going to move from kentucky to Indiana without a place to live in Indiana and without money since she admitted she just got FIRED from her call center job and since her fuck boy just got FIRED from his Roehl day job. She replied that she was using HIS MONEY to move her trash and that she scammed him into moving away from his family in kentucky so he wouldn’t have any help or a support system if he moved to Indiana. Koriander later admitted in 2019 that she refused to let her fuck boy go to his dying mom’s bedside as she died and then Koriander refused to let him attend the funeral of his deceased mom. I found out in 2021 that not only did Koriander refuse to let her fuck boy go to the funeral, her own in-laws in kentucky refused to let HER into the funeral if she showed up. So because Koriander was refused access to the funeral, she retaliated by refusing to let her fuck boy go. SO FUCKED UP! Instead, Koriander forced her man make Facebook posts begging for money for a funeral that neither of them went to. None of the money raised for the funeral even got sent to kentucky to help with the funeral costs. Koriander just stole the money from her man and wasted it all on Sailor Moon trash and she had the audacity to LIE and PROJECT HER OWN SCAM BEHAVIOR on me that I “wasted my money on Sailor Moon stuff”. I found out in August 2021 that Koriander wasn’t allowed to visit her in-laws in kentucky so she projected MORE LIES online about me that “my in-laws hated me” just because her in-laws hate her.

I also found out that Kendra Parda DROPPED OUT OF SCHOOL and publicly posted on her sailorootamukun Facebook page and her Kendra Parda Facebook account how resentful of her mom she was, because her mom was “sick”. Natasha Rakestraw told me in June 2019 that Kendra claiming her mom had FOUR different medical illnesses were ALL LIES. Kendra was so resentful that she was stuck taking care of her mom since her mom refused to get a job and refused to pay bills so Kendra had to pay for everything. I went onto to collect Sailor Moon merchandise and Kendra had to sell her trash collection to pay for her mom’s funeral when her mom actually died. Her dad and aunts and uncles refused to help her because they said she was a lazy good-for-nothing. When Kendra’s Sailor Moon selling was exposed as SCAMS by the Sailor Moon community and she apparently she wasn’t shipping the Sailor Moon stuff out to buyers that paid her, she falsely accused me of scamming and lied that I was “annoying” as she begged for money online to pay for her mom’s house. She wasted all her mom’s death benefits money on Sailor Moon trash and her mom’s house got foreclosed. Hahaha!!! Scamming and bullying people doesn’t pay her bills apparently!!